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What Are the Best Eye Drops for Kids?

A smiling young child holding up a bottle of kid-friendly eye drops in their home.

Healthy vision—it’s something that every child deserves. Your child’s vision plays an extremely important role in their development. But sometimes, certain conditions or situations develop, and these can significantly affect your child’s life. Fortunately, with the right eye drops, you can intervene and help encourage healthy development. The best eye drops for kids vary depending […]

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Are Blue Light Glasses Worth It?

A person wearing glasses is lit by their computer screen as they work at their desk in a dark office.

In an age dominated by screens, from our computers to smartphones and tablets, blue light glasses have emerged as a trendy solution to combat digital eye strain. With claims of improved sleep and reduced eye fatigue, it’s no surprise that blue light glasses are gaining popularity among digital device users. But are these glasses just […]

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How Much Is an Eye Exam in Winnipeg?

An optometrist talks to their patient during an eye exam using a slit lamp.

Vision tends to change over time, so reaching for your glasses more often is a shared experience for many of us. Whether you’re adjusting to a new prescription, noticing slight changes in your vision, or sending your kids off to their first day of school, caring for your and your family’s vision is essential. In […]

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Eye Masks for Dry Eyes: Can They Help?

A young woman taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes due to dry eye discomfort.

When you’re dealing with a constant burning, scratchy, and stinging sensation in your eyes, it can be difficult to find relief. While your optometrist can help with in-office dry eye treatments, sometimes you just need some temporary relief from dry eye symptoms.  Eye masks can be an excellent way to enjoy a temporary reprieve from […]

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Myopia vs. Hyperopia: What’s the Difference?

A young optician holds 5 pairs of glasses up in an eye doctor's office.

Understanding vision conditions like myopia and hyperopia can empower you to better care for your eye health.  Myopia, otherwise known as nearsightedness, and hyperopia, otherwise known as farsightedness, are two types of refractive errors that affect visual acuity. While myopia causes distant objects to appear blurry, hyperopia does the same for objects up close. Let’s […]

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How Often Should You Get An Eye Exam?

An optometrist examines their patient's eye using a slit lamp during a routine eye exam.

Maintaining good eye health is important for people of all ages—it doesn’t matter if you’re currently wearing glasses or think you have perfect eye health. Regular eye exams help monitor and maintain eye health, diagnose problems early, and help your vision be the best it can be. That’s why frequency is important! Children and seniors […]

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How To Unclog Meibomian Glands

A male patient with a stye on his lower right inner eyelid, likely due to a clogged meibomian gland

The meibomian glands are oil-producing glands located along the eyelid margins. They play an important role in keeping our eyes lubricated and healthy. However, they can sometimes become clogged or blocked, leading to discomfort and potential eye problems. If you’re experiencing symptoms such as dry eyes, redness, irritation, or blurry vision, it could be a […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Blindness?

A woman sitting in front of a computer rubbing her eyes due to irritation from dry eyes

Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when your tears can’t provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. It can be uncomfortable and lead to difficulty with everyday activities, such as reading. For many, it’s a minor inconvenience, yet for some, unaddressed dry eyes can lead to more severe complications and concerns about long-term vision […]

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